Podcast: Don’t forget to say THANK YOU JESUS
Israel Victor Babarinde
1 Album 5 TracksEver taken a closer look at yourself and the struggles you have overcome and the times God had taught you some hard lessons, and you went straight down on your knees and say thank you Jesus for all that you’ve given and all you’ve taken.
Be grateful to God for all you got and all you lost. Remember! His thoughts towards you are of good and not of evil to give you an expected end, this expected end may not come through the signs and the process that you have always imagined. Most times, it won’t obey the laws of this world but when God launches you into your expected end, it won’t only shock you but you will be grateful for all the times God took you through pain, through the disappointments and through the tunnels.
Sometimes God will back off and let life shape you so that when he steps in, you will appreciate him and value his presence in your storm.
No matter what you’re going through or what is going through you, don’t forget to have a conversation with God today, most importantly remember to say thank you Jesus today for all you’ve done in my life, for all that you will do today, tomorrow and in the future.